A Painting Comes to Life #2

Clicking the link below will start my second slideshow of a painting developing.


It’s really fun to share my process, and I want to do it in a way that is interesting for YOU, my guest, but still free (or inexpensive) and easy for me to put together.

Maybe you can help!

I’m testing the different slideshow makers in their free versions as I learn to do this, so if you have suggestions for platforms you like better, I would love to hear from you!  Just to save some time, I’ve already checked out emaze (not quite the thing for me).  And SlideShare–a place to SHARE, but not CREATE, so that’s out.

My first slideshow video was made with Smilebox.  (You can view that in the previous blog post)  The jury is still out.  What do you think?

My ideal slide-making platform:

  1. Allows me to easily upload my pics and arrange them
  2. Allows me to choose from a large array of copyright safe music
  3. Is free or inexpensive
  4. I’m OK with the logo of the platform (no free lunch!), but no other ads
  5. The viewer has control of pausing or skipping through slides faster
  6. Allows me to type simple text on the slides
  7. The slideshow ends rather than looping
  8. Is easily shared and shows up not as a link, but as a video

If you have the answer (or close!), I’m all ears!

Thank you for watching and reading!  Art is unfinished until shared.

Joy upon ye!


4 thoughts on “A Painting Comes to Life #2

    1. Nice video of your process, Liz! Thank you for the suggestion! I’ll put PowerPoint on my test list. My hubby (why didn’t I ask him sooner?) suggested moviemaker as well. I’ll try both and see which is more Britt-friendly.


  1. Hi Britt, I am loving these posts. I think I prefer the first one…it seemed to provide a better step by step understanding of the process for me. Loved seeing you at the gallery and meeting your husband. Keep painting! Diane

    Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2015 20:15:22 +0000 To: dianemcphee@hotmail.com


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